GROUP Lord Philip Gould

The unfinished life. An odyssey of love and cancer, by Philip Gould - Part 1

The unfinished life. An odyssey of love and cancer, by Philip Gould - Part 2

The unfinished life. An odyssey of love and cancer, by Philip Gould - Part 3

The unfinished life. An odyssey of love and cancer, by Philip Gould - Part 4

The unfinished life. An odyssey of love and cancer, by Philip Gould - Part 5

I have to stay alive for my wife by Philip Gould - Click here

When I die - lessons fron the death zone (Youtube video) - Click here

Lord Gould was advisor to the Labour party leading up to the election of Tony Blair in 2002. He chronicled his fight and ultimate death from oesophageal cancer in a series of articles published in the Times.

The articles can be found via the following links. Sadly they require a subscription to the Timesonline version but are well worth reading if you have one.

The final item is free on Youtube

Philip Gould 1950-2011